Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Theory of Competition

You never know who is going to flip the script,
And take a pass on saying 'Uncle' -

I had a friend post this video on Facebook a few days ago. I've been hooked on it ever since. I tend to be a suckker for these videos because my experience in sports has always been that as the underdog or longshot comeback. None is more true than the "glory days" of my senior season of football at Skyline High School. After going 5-5 in the regular season, we somehow pulled off miraculous upsets week after week in the playoffs to eventually emerge as the 2005 State Champions. This experience taught me a lot of lessons that I draw from today:

  • Crucibles - if you survive them, form bonds within teams that are unbreakable.
  • The odds and the newscaster commentary mean nothing - when one team shows up to play and the other doesn't, all bets are off.
  • Battles are won not on the field in front of a crowd but in practice and preparation.
  • You reap what you sow, just in a a different season - squats in January and running track in March means the difference when you're in man-to-man coverage in November.
  • Your strategy must evolve - just because you shut down a running offense one week doesn't mean you should do the same prep for the upcoming passing offense.
  • Don't rest on your accolades - no one knows (or cares) about what I did in high school 5 years ago, they care about what I'm doing right now to contribute.
So without further ado, here's the video. Enjoy.

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